We expect all vendors on our site to be professional and to offer their best service possible. This includes shipping products out in a timely manner, answering emails and providing customer service to prospective customers and customers that have already purchased items from you.
We reserve the right to accept or deny vendor applications at our discretion.
The first month for the first 100 sellers is free. No commissions will be taken from your sales.
We don’t charge any listing fees. Creating a selling account and listing your products is entirely free.
We take a 10% commission on the sale price of each item, before tax and / or shipping is applied.
We recommend that your items are priced with shipping in mind and that all of your items are ‘free shipping’ items. This helps clear up any confusion to the buyer during checkout if they are to purchase multiple items from multiple vendors.
If you are trying to list a new product and don’t see an applicable category to put the item in, contact us and we can look into adding a new, relevant category.