Home Forums Hemp Research The Place Have All The Prophets Gone?

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  • imogenegayman03

    <br> GOD BLESS AFRICA-Information HER RULERS-BLESS HER Kids-GIVE HER PEACE! If we look at how silent the church has develop into over key issues, we must be sincere and acknowledge the legitimacy of such feedback to some extent. I consider even the church skilled a sense of utopia with the dawn of democracy, and thought that we had reached the “promised land.” The notable silence of the church in democratic South Africa on some key points has left a void in society that was stuffed by these within the political arena. When the UDF was banned in the early 1980s, that void was filled by the church. The church must additionally say to her members: “After all you should exit and vote, Prophetic publishing however we have to be honest and say that to vote alone will not be enough.” The church have to be brave and be assertive of the truth that political power without financial energy leads to new injustices.<br>

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