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July 2, 2022 at 3:29 am #12714
11. Allow Yourself a (healthy) Regression
For lots of people, losing weight for a short amount of time isn’t that hard.
When they’re first dieting, most people are able to eat foods they ordinarily wouldn’t eat and still lose a relatively significant amount of weight. And for a short amount of time, they can even feel great about how they’re doing.
But as a lot of people quickly discover, life — and the ups and downs of relationships, parenthood, work and more — is a lot more complicated than simply trying to lose weight.
Picking up those habits and patterns of behavior that are comfortable to you is key. You won’t be able to stick with weight loss forever if you’re always trying to maintain a rigid schedule and healthy eating plan.
But if you can be honest with yourself for long enough — and not in a tone-deaf way, but in a way that shows you’ve thought about what it means to live your life the way you want to — that gives you the freedom to be flexible, to do what you want in moderation, to have indulgences from time to time, to socialize, to be out and about in the real world — then you’ll be on the right path.
12. Do Cross-training
One of the best ways to burn more calories while you’re on your weight loss journey is to cross-train.
That means doing some kind of exercise, such as cycling, reduslim amazon running, swimming or resistance training, in addition to your cardio training.
A study in the journal Obesity from 2018 found that people who exercised in this way burned about 9 more calories per hour than those who didn’t.
The researchers also found that people who combined cycling, for example, with resistance training got more out of their workouts than if they only did cardio or resistance training on their own.
“People need to do what they can to stay in shape and have good health,” says Dr. Zimsen, who recommends that people who want to lose weight to do cardio workouts for about 30 minutes every other day, as well as resistance training at least three times a week.
A few options for doing resistance training include using a fitness machine such as a pull-up bar or dumod treadmill, or, if you have access to weights
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