Home Forums Hemp Legislation Homeless man whose car was destroyed by vandals is gifted new vehicle

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  • michellwatts9

    A homeless father whose car was vandalised has been gifted a new vehicle thanks to the generosity of a local community.<br>Last month Edward Jacques, who has fallen on hard times and is living in his car on the , was shattered after a heartless thug destroyed his temporary ‘home’ during the middle of winter.<br>Concerned Labrador 수원컴퓨터노트북수리 resident Merv Cassidy, who is now firm friends with Mr Jacques, stepped in to h<br>He started a fundraiser online, with a number of kind-hearted locals chipping in to raise over $4<br> Gold Coast man Edward Jacques was shattered after a vandal senselessly wrecked his car (pictured) rece<br> Mr Jacques has fallen on hard times and was living in his car at the time his vehicle was targeted (pictured, his new Ford Falcon wa<br>Other items passed on to Mr Jacques included clothes, 수원컴퓨터노트북수리 blankets and a s<br>ase.Mechanic Jason Wilson also volunteered his time to fix up the new car, a Ford Falco<br>gon.’The community has been so wonderful and 동탄컴퓨터수리 helpful. It sets the standard for what being an Aussie really is about,’ Mr Jacques told the ‘I can now live properly. This car allows me to travel up to Brisbane to see my young children. ‘It’s so exciti<br>or me.’Mr Cassidy said he was happy to help, and the generosity of many fellow locals left him feeli<br>roud.  RELATED ARTICLES

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    The vandal – who police are still on the hunt for on the Glitter Strip – damaged Jacques’ old Ford in<br>e July.The motive remains<br>nown. Jacques’ vehicle was destroyed when he using a public computer at the Southpo<br>ibrary. Mr Jacques old car was damaged beyond repair (pictured) by a vandal on the Gold Coast in July – the motive<br>unknown Local resident Merv Cassidy (pictured) played the Good Samaritan role with aplomb, 수원컴퓨터노트북수리 helping raise over $4500 online so Mr Jacques could <br>a new car 

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