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    A bright young doctor’s love of paragliding has come to a tragic end, less than two years she first took to the skies to experience the thrills of the extreme sport.<br> woman Charlotte O’Leary was killed doing what she loved in a freak accident in the Saint-André-les-Alpes, one of the world’s most popular paragliding spots in the French Alps.<br>The experienced paraglider was on a European adventure with her brother and was weeks away from returning home for the winter ski season to work as an emergency doctor at the Coronet Peak resort near Queenstown.<br>Eighteen months ago, Ms O’Leary informed friends she had taken up the extreme sport by posting a stunning photo from Treble Cone Ski Area on New Zealand’s South Island.<br>’New hobby,’ she captioned the photo of herself paragliding.<br> Charlotte O’Leary was tragically killed in a paragliding accident in the French Alps, paragliding-in-seoul 18 months after she took up the extreme sport<br> Charlotte captioned this incredible photo of her paragliding as ‘new hobby’ just 18 months before she died doing the sport <br>Ms O’Leary’s social media is filled with photos from her travel and paragliding adventures around the globe.<br>A week before her death on June 2, Ms O’Leary was at Berggasthaus Aescher-Wildkirchli in the Swiss Alps, 730km north of Saint-André-les-Alpes.<br>She posted a photo of a house built within a mountain amid the incredible backdrop of the Swiss Alps. <br>’Almost more paragliders than hikers!’ she wrote within the comments.<br> RELATED ARTICLES

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    Located in south-eastern France, Saint-André-les-Alpes is one of the world’s best paragliding sites with long mountain ridges and 300 days of sunshine each year.<br>New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade confirmed the department was aware one of their citizens had died during a paragliding accident in France and was providing assistance to the family.<br>Her body is in the process of being repatriated home.<br> Charlotte O’Leary was killed in a freak accident in Saint-André-les-Alpes, an internationally renowned paragliding spot<br>Ms O’Leary graduated from University of Otago and previously worked at Hauora Tairāwhiti District Health.<br>Originally from Macraes Flat, three hours east of Queenstown, she had spent the last 12 months living in Queenstown and was about to start a fourth season as a doctor at the nearby Coronet Peak ski resort.<br>’People are devastated,’ NZ SKI chief executive Paul Anderson told the .<br>’Losing anyone in these circumstances is very tragic and she was a really talented and paragliding-in-seoul valuable member of the medical team.<br>’Our sympathies go to the family – it’s tragic.'<br> Charlotte O’Leary was a doctor who weeks away from returning home to work as an emergency doctor at a New Zealand ski resort<br>Her death sparked an outpouring of grief from shattered friends, paragliding-in-seoul former colleagues and patients.<br>’Devastating news – amazing doctor- thoughts are with your family,’ one woman wrote online.<br>A former colleague added: ‘Was so sad to hear the news, you were a great doctor that we all enjoyed working with. Thoughts are with your family & friends.'<br>A third person wrote: ‘Was shocked when I heard about it. Gonna miss you.'<br>Ms O’Leary is the second Kiwi in seven years to be killed while paragliding in the French Alps. <br> The doctor’s social media portrays a passion for travel adventures and paragliding-in-seoul extreme sports<br>

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